Time Away with Jesus

In the gospel this week, Jesus tells his apostles to “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”  He knows they have been away working hard, having been sent to proclaim the kingdom of God, heal the sick, and cast our demons, all in his name.  He is aware of how difficult it has been, and how much it has taken out of them.  He offers them a place of rest with himself, to be nourished by his words and encouragement.

It is our Lord himself who provides us with the strength, solace, and encouragement that we need in life. He invites us to spend time alone with him in prayer so he can tend to our battered souls.  While any and all prayer is good and important for us, quiet, dedicated time alone with the Lord to focus on our interior life is important each day.  If you haven’t committed to daily prayer yet in your life, I highly encourage you to accept the Lord’s invitation to go away with him by yourself each day, and find your rest in him.

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