Thank you to all parishioners who have completed and submitted your Commitment Card. For those parishioners who have not yet had the opportunity to submit their card, a final letter will be mailed to you with a personalized Commitment Card. We invite all faithful parishioners to complete a card as our parish goal is 100% participation!
You may return your card by:
· mailing it to the church using the pre-addressed envelope included with the letter.
· or bringing it to Mass next Sunday.
· or you may visit our parish website at
and complete an electronic Commitment Card.
All cards need to be returned to the parish by Sunday, December 29.
As a friendly reminder, electronic giving is an easy, safe and secure way to support St. Anna's Catholic Church. To set-up a recurring weekly or monthly gift or to make a one-time donation directly from your bank account or credit card, please visit our website and follow the instructions.
We are grateful for your support!
For those of you who would prefer to fill out your Commitment Card online, please use the QR code below.