Mass Intention Request

The Mass is the highest form of Christian charity. It re-presents the perfect sacrifice of Calvary, and so it is the priest's essential duty and his greatest honor to offer Holy Mass. In all ages, the Christian faithful have traditionally offered alms for the celebration of the Mass, for the support of the priest and the maintenance of the church where the sacred rites are celebrated.

The faithful may request that Mass be offered for a special intention, often for another individual, living or deceased.

Mass Intentions are a beautiful way to remember loved ones, celebrate special occasions, and offer support to those in need. The following options are available for Mass Intentions:

Single Mass: A single Mass can be offered for a specific intention. The suggested offering is $10.

Specific Date: Mass can be offered on a specific date, such as a nameday, birthday, or anniversary. The suggested offering is $20.

"By giving donations for the celebration of the Mass, the faithful associate themselves more closely with Christ's act of offering Himself as a victim and in so doing experience the effects of the Mass more fully." ~ Pope Paul VI
To request a Mass Intentions, please contact the parish office at (770) 267-7637, or at for more information and to make arrangements.
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