On Wednesday April 16th at 7:00 p.m. (Wednesday of Holy Week) the ancient Office of Tenebrae will be sung. Tenebrae is the Latin word for “shadows”.  The liturgy of Tenebrae is not what is given most days in many places as people put various things together and call it that. In actuality, Tenebrae consist of three liturgical offices sung in anticipation of the liturgical day. The three “hours” consist of the Office of Vespers, Matins and Lauds. These three hours (not really hours) were sung in succession. Tenebrae consists of the recitation of psalms, sung readings and responsories which are sung in the form of 4-part motets. The bulk of these motets (4-part pieces) are from the pen of the great composer Tomas Luis de Victoria. Victoria composed these pieces in 1611, and most likely St. Teresa of Avila heard them as she was a patron of Victoria. They are some of the most wonderful choral music in the repertory. We have the luxury of some of the finest choral singers in Atlanta to come do this liturgy. To come to Tenebrae and hear it is to meditate on the passion of our Lord. Tenebrae is a complement to the liturgies of Holy Week. Mark your calendars now to come on Wednesday of Holy Week and come to hear incredible music, chanted psalms in English and readings on the Passion. After each section a candle will be extinguished and at the end only one candle (the Christ candle) will be extinguished. Then a great noise is made, and the Christ candle reappears. A special candlestand for the 16 candles is being made by a parishioner to complement the service. Come and enter into the sacred darkness and drama of Holy Week. Your prayer will be enriched. 

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